Announcing Your Divorce

Even when it is for the best, announcing your divorce can be difficult. During this time, certain people will inevitably need to hear about the split (e.g. your children's teachers, your parents and your best friend) but you will also want to maintain some level of privacy, especially when it comes to your social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Who should you tell, and when should you tell them?

Telling your family.
If it's an amicable divorce, you can tell your family together. If things are bitter between the two of you, it's better to tell each side of the family separately. The news may come as a complete shocker to the family, but if they knew that it was a rocky marriage, they may even be happy for you.

If your family is close with your spouse, don't be surprised if they are less than supportive. If you have children, try and maintain a positive relationship with your in-laws, this way your children can maintain their bonds with their grandparents.

Telling your friends.
If your relationship with your spouse wasn't healthy, your friends may respond with a "finally," even though you struggled with the decision to divorce. When you do break the news, be cautious about telling them everything, especially if there was infidelity and reconciliation is a possibility.

Telling your co-workers.
You may be tempted not to say anything about your divorce at work, but there can be some benefits to telling the right people. Your boss will understand if you need to take time off to see an attorney, mediator, financial planner, or attend court dates. Plus, they'll understand if you're down or more distracted than usual.

You may need to tell payroll in case your tax status changes and they need to make adjustments. You may also need to tell human resources in case you're eligible to see a therapist or if you need to take your spouse off your health insurance.

Be careful about what you share with co-workers since gossip spreads fast in the office. Instead of telling them all the details about your spouse's affair or how they drove you into bankruptcy, stick to the fact that you're divorcing and refrain from oversharing.

If you need a Los Angeles divorce attorney, contact us for a free consultation.
