Relocating as a Custodial Parent

Are you thinking about moving your children to another city or state? If you are considering a movie, you will want to carefully consider the relocation before making plans. If your spouse does not agree with the relocation, you may need to litigate over the matter in court. This can be expensive and complicated. If the courts allow your relocation, you may need to pay exorbitant amount of money in travel fees so that your ex can visit the children and exercise his or her visitation rights.

Make sure to consider the interests of your children prior to buying that new home or signing the lease on that new apartment in a different town. If your children are plugged into a school and have made close friends in their neighborhood, moving could be devastating, especially in the midst of a divorce. Also, your children may have a hard time with all the travelling that is involved in visitation and shared custody after a move.

Also, prior to moving your family, make sure you have a plan. Do you know where the children will go to school? Who will help to care for the children when you cannot be there for them? Do you have family in the area to act as a support system for the kids? Do you have a job in this new location? If you have planned everything out, you will want to carefully communicate your plans with the other parent.

Your ex may be willing to help you work through the relocation, or may be heavily opposed to this arrangement. In some cases, this could turn into a court battle. You will want to be patient with your ex and explain why this move is the best thing for your family. Call a Los Angeles divorce lawyer today if you want more information!
