Biggest Divorce Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

You're vulnerable during a divorce and the stakes are high. From determining child custody, to dividing assets, you have a lot on the line and you don't want to make a mistake that you'll regret. Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make during divorce, and what you can do to avoid them!

Taking just anyone's advice.

People mean well when they're giving you divorce advice, but be careful about taking just anyone's advice because not all advice is created equal. Your divorce attorney is the best source of advice on legal issues just as your real estate agent is the best source of advice about the value of your home.

Not planning for life after divorce.

We get it, money may be tight and you're under a lot of stress, making it difficult to look beyond the present. When divorcing, you must consider the long-term consequences of your financial decisions (keeping or selling the house, getting life insurance, taking an investment over a retirement asset).

The best way to demystify the numbers is to meet with a financial advisor who can help you create a sound financial plan.

Badmouthing your ex to the kids.

When you put down your ex to the kids, no matter how justified you may be, it only fosters confusion, guilt, sadness, and insecurity, not to mention depression in some children. All feelings that you don't want your child to experience.

Minding your tongue around your kids can be one of the most difficult habits to master but it is one that will reap the greatest rewards. Don't let your anger towards your ex and indiscriminate remarks affect your child's happiness.

Not considering mediation.

The angriest couples have successfully mediated their divorce, but many couples don't even consider it as an option. Mediation is a non-adversarial process where couples meet with a neutral mediator to hash out the terms of their divorce. We are strong believers in mediation because it is faster, cheaper, and fairer than litigation.

Looking for a Los Angeles divorce lawyer? Contact us for a free consultation!
