New Startup Dedicated to Amicable Divorces

Divorce is one of those things that rarely go the way that you want it to, especially when one spouse does not want the divorce as much as the other one does or when there are hurt feelings. A divorce can take a significant amount of time to address in the courtroom. For those whose divorces are amicable and both parties are seeking to leave their marriage behind as quickly and easily as possible, new startup companies, such as Wevorce, may be a solid option. However, those who know a divorce may be even slightly contentious should not chose this type of route.

Companies Providing Quick Divorce Not Available in Long-Term

Wevorce is a company that connects a divorcing couple with a trained divorce professional who helps to keep their divorce out of court and remain peaceful throughout the process. This professional has access to others in the Wevorce network that can help establish property division and custody agreements outside of the courtroom. In addition to being a quicker process, the rate of a Wevorce is about a third of the average cost for a divorce.

The divorce architects that are involved in this company are actually divorce attorneys that are seeking to change the divorce process to align it with what families need during these difficult times. They start with the family before addressing legal documents and attend a special ceremony to honor their decision once the divorce has been finalized.

Claery & Hammond is skilled in handling both peaceful divorce mediation and aggressive litigation. If you are seeking to end your marriage in the Los Angeles area, you need an attorney you can return to for any unexpected family law case that may arise.

Our firm can provide the long-standing legal relationship you need.
