When to Hire a Fathers' Rights Lawyer.

If you are a man involved in a divorce, separation, or child custody battle, you should speak with an attorney at Claery & Hammond, LLP about how we can help protect your father's rights.

In the past, family law courts and judges tended to favor the mother during a divorce, particularly in regards to child custody arrangements, child support, and alimony. It was commonly believed that women stayed home and raised children while men went to work to support the family. It is this belief that perhaps swayed judges when making their decision on how to award custody and support.

Fortunately, today's judges are much more cognizant of the invaluable role men play in the lives of their children. In fact, one study found that there has been an increasing number of cases (as much as 50%) in which the men were given primary custody of the children.

Although this statistic is promising, it's important to pay attention to the fact that 50% of fathers are still NOT receiving primary custody. While a number of factors can influence a judge's decision over which parent is awarded child custody, certain factors are more acceptable than others. Of course domestic violence, alcoholism, and drug abuse are all valid reasons not to award a man custody. In addition, if the father lives far away from where his children have already established a routine, the judge is more likely to award custody to the mother. But if there doesn't seem to be any reason why a man shouldn't be given at least equal custody, it's important for that man to contact a family law attorney who has experience in fathers' rights.

If you feel your rights are being undermined or ignored by your ex or by the judge, you can trust an experienced Los Angeles fathers' rights attorney at Claery & Hammond to protect your rights and ensure you are not being discriminated against in any way. We have experience representing men in a variety of cases, including child custody, visitation, paternity, child support, spousal support, and more.

To learn more about the fathers' rights services offered at our firm, please feel free to contact Claery & Hammond today at (310) 362-2273!
